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An Invitation to Soar

6th January 2023

Yesterday, The Norfolk Wildlife Trust invited us to join them down at Hickling Broad to discuss their new engagement initiative, Team Wilder. So Phoebe spread her wings, flew out of the studio and into the wild to join them.

Gemma and James from NWT lead a discussion with Phoebe & other representatives from their corporate supporters, including Aviva and Forest Holidays, that centred around the question: How can we get businesses to take action for nature? They talked about the barriers faced in their respective industries and how these could potentially be overcome.

Then it was time for Phoebe to don her wellies and whip out her binoculars and head to the raptors roost to see some wildlife, one of the UK’s best kept secret spots for birdwatching. As the late afternoon sun began to sulk below the horizon, the raptors came out to fill their feathered bellies and settle for the night. The team spotted all sorts, and were lucky to catch sight of some more rare species, including cranes, a merlin, whooper swans, marsh harriers, hen harriers, a barn owl and a great egret (and of course some cows, which didn’t seem as interested in PJ as she was in them). Take a more in depth look at Phoebe’s experience:

Phoebe’s takeaway thought? ‘It was really special to engage with experts who are so passionate about the environment in our local area and afar. It really was quite infectious. Rob, Gemma and James were so informative and also very kind not to laugh at my ditziness when it came to scopes, bird watching and spilling my cup of tea all over the table!’

The NWT explained that it takes 1 in every 4 people to make a change to make a visible difference to the environment, and we’re super proud to be supporting the cause. We will no doubt be putting our heads together to see how we can encourage our staff members to get engaged with the education and communication of supporting biodiversity in the city we call home. 

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